Monday, November 29, 2010

How to make and use Eco-enzyme or Garbage Enzyme.

How to Make Garbage Enzyme

Black (brown) sugar is one of the ingredients needed for making garbage enzyme.


This kitchen waste is another ingredient used for the production of garbage enzyme.



These bottles contain kitchen waste with black (brown) sugar and water. Fermentation will take place in the bottles for 3 months.  Then after filtration and removal of the residue, garbage enzyme is obtained.  The residue can be used again for a new batch of production by adding fresh garbage.  The residue can also be dried, then blended and buried in the ground as a fertilizer.

Do not use glass or metal containers that cannot expand.  Garbage for making enzyme does not include paper, plastic, metal or glass materials.  Avoid oily cooked food, fish or meat residue. Orange peel, lemon peel or pandan leave will produce better scent.  The ideal colour of garbage enzyme is dark brown. Add in same amount of brown sugar to re-ferment if the enzyme turns black.  It may have white, black or brown layer on top of the enzyme, ignore it.  If you encounter worms in the container, leave it for a while and close the cover tightly.  If you have not gather enough kitchen waste, you may fill up the container gradually.  The 3 months fermentation period start from the last day you add in kitchen waste. 

1. Leave some space for fermentation.
2. Make sure the container is airtight.
3. Release the bottle cap at least once a day for the first few weeks to let out built-up gas; gently shake the bottle to mix the garbage; then tighten cap again. (More gas will be emitted during the first few days. Once there is not much gas emitted, you don't have to do this everyday. This also depends on the size of the container and room temperature.)

Uses of Garbage Enzyme
Garbage enzyme has many uses for the environment, agriculture and even in homes. 

Recycle garbage waste to save the environment. Why the use of enzymes?

Our mission is to spread the importance of using enzymes to protect our environment and slow down global warming and its harmful effects.  The purpose of this website is to educate the people of the world on how to produce and use enzymes in their homes and farms. We hope that more and more people will come to appreciate the usefulness of enzymes and each of us would do our part in using enzymes to reduce global warming for a healthier living environment. Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and it is projected to continue.

Increasing global temperature will cause the sea levels to rise, and is expected to increase the intensity of extreme weather events.  Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, trade routes, glacier retreat, many species extinctions and increases in the ranges of diseases.

The increasing frequency of heat waves in the temperate zones, typhoons, hurricanes and floods are signs of the changing weather and climate patterns and all these come about largely due to global warming -a combination of the greenhouse effect and other natural phenomena like solar variation and volcano eruptions.

Unless drastic measures are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, global warming will continue to worsen.  However, global warming can be reduced by using garbage enzyme. So do your bit and help reduce global warming for a cooler and healthier living environment for all of us! Help save Our Earth!

Use Enzyme to Reduce Global Warming
What is Garbage Enzyme?
Dr Rosukon's Garbage Enzyme is a complex organic substance of protein chains and mineral salts and juvenile hormones.

Functions of Garbage Enzyme
- resolve / decompose
- transform / change
- compose / make up / combine
- catalysis
As a result of catalysis, ozone is produced which can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and this in turn reduces global warming.

This enzyme can be produced easily with the organic waste from our kitchens.  During enzyme production, O3 + NO3 + CO3 are generated and these could help purify and whiten the clouds in the sky.  Those clouds that trap lots of heavy metals appear dark. Those dark clouds cause more heat to be trapped on earth due to the greenhouse effect. O3 (ozone) from the garbage enzymes could reduce the heavy metals in the clouds and this would reduce global warming.

More NO3 (nitrite) in the air is useful as nutrients for the plants and soil.
Use Enzymes to Reduce Global Warming
If every household makes and uses garbage enzyme, it would help tremendously in the reduction of global warming.

Well done mom! My mom is now an acitivist of saving the environment.

My mom is 76 yrs old this year she is doing her part to save the environment and so can you.

My mother who has been using those Eco-enzyme or Garbage Enzyme that I have made, to fertilize her vegetable.  Her comment is that the vegetable is much more tender, tastier and more healthy to eat.  It is truly an accomplishment to 'renew' her mind not to use artificial fertilizer which she had been using for more than a decade. Well, she took a paradigm shift!

She hires workers to plant vegetables and supply them to vendors to sell at the local markets around Kota Kinabalu.

See how green the vegetables after using this enzyme:

Eco-Enzyme/Garbage Enzyme

Chinese lettuce green

Monday, November 8, 2010

What about papaya? Read more about it. Materials obtained from different sources e.,g International Journal of Food Science & Nutrition, May.

Papaya was the only studied food found to halt breast cancer.
Scientists studied 14 plant foods commonly consumedin Mexico to determin their ability to halt breast cancer cell  growth. These included avocado, black sapote, fuava, mango, prickly pear cactus (nopal), pineapple, grapes, tomato,  and papaya. They also evaluated beta-carotene, total plant phenolics, and gallic acid contents and antioxidant capacity. They found that only papaya had a significant effect on stopping breast cancer cell growth.  
 (International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, May).  Papaya is a store-house of cancer fighting lycopene.The intense orangey-pink color of papaya means it is chock full of cancer fighting carotenoids. Not only beta carotene, but lycopene is found in abundance. The construction of lycopene makes it highly reactive toward oxygen and free radicals. Scientists at the University of Illinois think this anti-oxidant activity contributes to its effectiveness as a cancer fighting agent. Epidemiological studies have indicated an inverse relationship between  lycopene intake and prostate cancer risk. They showed that oral lycopene is highly bioavailable, accumulates in prostate tissue, and is localized in the nucleus of prostate epithelial cells.
In addition to antioxidant activity, other experiments have indicated that lycopene induces cancer cell death,   anti-metastatic activity, and the up-regulation of protective enzymes.
Phase I and II studies have established the safety of lycopene supple! mentation. (Cancer Letter, October 8, 2008)Prostate cancer was the subject of a study in Australia that looked at 130 prostate cancer patients and 274 hospitalized controls. The scientists found that men who consumed the most lycopene-rich fruits and vegetables such  as papaya were 82% less likely to have prostate cancer.

In this study, green tea also exerted a powerful anti-cancer effect. When lycopene-rich foods were consumed with green tea, the combination was even more effective, an outcome the researchers credited to their synergy. ( Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2007)
 Isothiocyanates found in papaya restore the cell cycle to
 eliminate cancer. Organo-sulfur compounds called isothiocyanates are found in papaya. In animal experiments, isothiocyanates protected against cancers of the breast, lung, colon pancreas, and prostate, as well as leukemia, and they have the potential  to prevent cancer in humans. Isothiocyanates have shown themselves capable of inhibiting both the formation and development of cancer cells through multiple pathways and mechanisms. (International Journal of Oncology), October, 2008)
Researchers in Japan clarified the mechanisms of action in a type of isothiocyanate found in papaya known as BITC,  that underlies the relationship between cell cycle regulation and appropriate cell death. When cancerous cells die on schedule, they are no longer a problem. The researchers established that BITC exerted cancer cell killing effects  that were greater in the proliferating cells than in the quiescent cells. Cancer cells that are proliferating are much more dangerous than cancer cells that are in a state of dormancy. (Forum of Nutrition, 2009) Enzymes from papaya digest proteins including those that protect tumors.
 The fruit and other parts of the papaya tree, also known as the paw paw tree, contain papain and chymopapain,  powerful proteolytic enzymes that facilitate chemical reactions in the body. They promote digestion by helping to break down proteins from food into amino acids that can be recombined to produce protein useable by humans.
 Proteolytic enzymes protect the body from inflammation and help heal  burns. They do a good job
 of digesting unwanted scar tissue both on the skin and under its surface.

  Research has shown that the physical and mental health of people is highly dependent on their ability to
 produce proteins they can use effectively. However, as people age, they produce less of the enzymes needed to effectively digest proteins from food and free needed amino acids. They are left with excessive amounts of undigested protein which can lead to overgrowth of unwanted bacteria in the intestinal tract, and a lack of available amino acids.
 Eating papaya after a meal promotes digestion, and helps prevent bloating, gas production, and indigestion. It is quite helpful after antibiotic use to replenish friendly intestinal bacteria that were the casualties in the war
 against the unwanted bacteria. When the intestinal tract is well populated with friendly bacteria, the immune system  is strengthened, and can better protect against flu and cancer.
Being a proteolytic enzyme, papain is able to destroy  intestinal parasites, which are composed mostly of protein. To  rid the body of intestinal parasites, half a cup of papaya juice can be alternated each hour for twelve consecutive; hours with the same amount of cucumber or green bean juice.
  Papaya contains fibrin, another useful compound not readily found in the plant kingdom. Fibrin reduces the risk of   blood clots and improves the quality of blood cells, optimizing the ability of blood to flow through the
 circulatory  system. Fibrin is also important in preventing stokes.
 Proteolytic enzymes containing fibrin are a good idea for long plane rides to minimize the potential of blood
clots  in the legs. People who sit at a desk all day might want to use proteolytic enzymes too.
 Proteolytic enzymes are able to digest and destroy the defense shields of viruses, tumors, allergens, yeasts,
 and   various forms of fungus. Once the shield is destroyed, tumors and invading organisms are extremely
 vulnerable and easily taken care of by the immune system.

Undigested proteins can penetrate the gut and wind up in the bloodstream where they are treated by the immune system  as invaders. If too many undigested proteins are floating around, the immune system becomes overburdened and unable   to attend to the other tasks it was meant to do.

 Proteolytic enzymes can  digest these rogue proteins, freeing up the   immune system.

Eat one of my favourite fruits - Pineapple. Find out what benefits it brings to your health!

The pineapple is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely  rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit. The pineapple is the only  available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit. One pineapple is actually made up of dozens of individual floweret's that grow together to form the entire fruit. Each scale on a pineapple is evidence of a separate flower.

Pineapples stop ripening the minute they are picked. No special way 
of storing them will help ripen them further. Colour is relatively
unimportant in determining ripeness.

Choose your pineapple by smell. If it smells fresh, tropical and sweet, 
it will be a good fruit. The more scales on the pineapple, the sweeter 
and juicier the taste. After you cut off the top, you can plant it. It 
should grow much like a sweet potato will.
This delicious fruit is not 
only sweet and tropical; it also offers many benefits to our health.

Pineapple is a remarkable fruit. We find it enjoyable because of its
lush, sweet and exotic flavour, but
it may also be one of the most
healthful foods available today
. If we take a more detailed look at it, 
we will find that
pineapple is valuable for easing indigestion, arthritis 
or sinusitis. The juice has an anthelmintic effect; it helps get rid of
intestinal worms.

Let's look at how pinea! pple affects other conditions.

Pineapple is high in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones
and connective tissue.

A cup of fresh pineapple will give you nearly
75% of the recommended daily amount. It is  
particularly helpful to older adults,
whose bones tend to become brittle with age.

Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme, is the key to pineapple's value.
Proteolytic means "breaks down protein", which is why pineapple is known to be a 
digestive aid. It helps the body digest proteins more efficiently.

Bromelain is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory. Regular ingestion of at least
one half cup of fresh pineapple daily is purported to relieve painful joints common to
osteoarthritis. It produces mild pain relief. 
In Germany, bromelain is approved as a post-injury medication because it is thought to 
reduce inflammation and swelling.

Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in 
Vitamin C. Fresh pineapple is not only high in this vitamin, but because of the Bromelain ,
it has the ability to reduce mucous in the throat. If you have a cold with a productive cough , add pineapple to your diet.  It is commonly used in Europe as a post-operative measure to cut mucous after certain sinus and throat operations.
Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to  
allergies. In and of itself, pineapple has a very low risk for allergies.

Pineapple is also known to discourage blood clot development.

This makes it a valuable dietary addition for frequent fliers and others who may be at risk for blood clots.

An old folk remedy for morning sickness is fresh pineapple juice.

It really works! Fresh juice and some nuts first thing in the morning often make a 
difference. It's also good for a healthier mouth. The fresh juice discourages plague 

The Health Benefit of Drinking Coconut Water - Source: Pandalai, K. M. (1958). Coconut water and its uses. Coconut Bull. 12, No. 5, 167-173.

Coconut Water

The English name coconut, first mentioned in English print in 1555,
comes from Spanish and Portuguese word ‘coco’, meaning ‘monkey

Spanish and Portuguese explorers found a resemblance to a monkey's
face in the three round indented markings or 'eyes' found at the base of
the coconut.

On the Nicobar Islands of the Indian Ocean, whole coconuts were used
as currency for the purchase of goods until the early part of the
twentieth century.

Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm, botanically known as ‘cocos nucifera’, with ‘nucifera’
meaning 'nut-bearing.' The fruit-bearing palms are native to Malaysia, Polynesia and southern Asia,
and are now prolific in South America, India, the Pacific Islands, Hawaii and Florida.

The light, fibrous husk allow it to easily drift on the oceans to other continents & islands to
propagate. In Sanskrit, the coconut palm is known as ‘kalpa vriksha’, meaning 'tree which gives all
that is necessary for living,' since nearly all parts of the tree can be used in some manner or

The coconut itself has many food uses, including milk, meat, sugar and oil as well as functioning as
its own dish and cup. The husk was also burned for fuel by natives, but today a seed fiber
called ‘coir’ is taken from the husk and used to make brushes, mats, fishnets, and rope.

A very potent fermented toddy or drink is also made from the coconut palm's sap.

Coconut oil, a saturated fat made from dried coconut meat, is used for commercial frying and in
candies and margarines, as well as in non-edible products such as soaps and cosmetics.

Although it takes up to a year for coconuts to mature, the trees bloom up to thirteen times a year,
so fruit is constantly forming yielding a continuous harvest year-round. An average harvest from
one tree runs about 60 coconuts, with some trees yielding three times that amount. The coconut's
name is a bit of a misnomer, since it is botanically classified as a drupe and not a nut. It is the
largest seed known.

A fresh coconut will contain the almost transparent coconut juice or water which has a slight
almond flavor. Contrary to popular belief, this is not the coconut milk.

It is consumed fresh from the coconut. When cooked with seafood will enhance the flavor & taste –
a favorite recipe of the connoisseur.

The Coconut Water:

'It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of
electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life,
so to speak.'

'Coconut water is the very stuff of Nature, biologically pure, full
of natural sugars, salts, and vitamins to ward off fatigue... and is
the next wave of energy drinks but natural!' -Mortin Satin, Chief
of the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization.

Coconut water is also used as an intravenous hydration fluid in some developing countries where
medical saline is unavailable.

During the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water siphoned
directly from the nut – to provide emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers.

Once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics,
and begins to ferment.


More Nutritious than whole milk -less fat with zero cholesterol

Healthier than Orange Juice -lower calories

Better than processed baby milk-contains lauric acid present in human mother's

Naturally sterile

Identical to human blood plasma

Natural isotonic beverage -same level as in our blood

Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature

Orally re-hydrate your body -an all natural isotonic beverage

Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells -replenishing the body's fluids especially after

Raise body metabolism

Promote weight loss

Boost immune system

Detoxify and fight viruses

Cleanse digestive tract

Control diabetes

Aid in fighting viruses

Balance PH and reduce risk of cancer

Treat kidney and urethral stones

Boost poor circulation

Composition of coconut water : % Water 95.5 Nitrogen 0.05 Phosphoric acid 0.56 Potassium 0.25
Calcium oxide 0.69 Magnesium oxide 0.59 g/100g Iron 0.5 Total solids 4.71 Reducing sugars 0.80
Total sugars 2.08 Ash 0.62


Source: Pandalai, K. M. (1958). Coconut water and its uses. Coconut Bull. 12, No. 5, 167-173.
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